Memories of Not Creating

After many years of teaching young students, the joy and magic of creating art, I realized I was not doing so myself. It was taking a toll on me mentally and emotionally, and I definitely needed to get back to creating.

I started teaching visual art in 2008, I loved it. Sharing the excitement and process of drawing and painting and so many other mediums was exhilarating. Though somewhere along the way I forgot to keep filling my own cup and just wasn’t creating for myself on a consistent basis. I discovered modern quilting around 2012 and that was a pivotal point for me. I still LOVE to quilt. I became a member of the Modern Quilt Guild and it was SO fun to be around people who loved fabric as much as I do, I thought it was just me! I think I have 9 or 10 bins full…it might be an obsession. The time I spent quilting really opened my mind to other creative possibilities. I have since taken a huge interest in the textile industry and am currently learning the ins and outs of designing fabric. This is just a glimpse into my creative journey, perhaps someday I’ll share all of it. Over the years, I have realized that I am so much more alive and just excited to get up in the morning when I have creative projects and work to do. It fuels me and I love it! My soul needs to be creating consistently, whether with paint, fabric, yarn or ink, I must create!

What are your creative outlets?


New Collection


Fall Studio Paintings