Studio Update

Summer has flown by and I am ready to slow down a bit and enjoy some cooler weather! I have not been creating as much these past few months, as I have been taking care of some health issues, but I did manage to make a few exciting changes to my studio…NEW SHELVES!

I have been wanting to get some simple, low-profile shelves for a while now. I finally found some and I love having them. It will be so nice to have a space to put paintings that are in progress and drying. Now I want a taller ceiling so I can have more shelves. Haha! I just keep dreaming bigger, I can’t help it. Now, to finish all those paintings!

I have also been gathering inspiration for future paintings by spending time tending to my garden while enjoying the company of my neighbor’s chickens. Sometimes I just need to slow down, be still, and my eyes are opened to a whole other world. I have absolutely loved discovering things in nature with my 6-year-old daughter this season. Have you ever seen the pupa of ladybugs? We have a TON on our lilac bushes and have been checking them daily, so much fun. They are the red dots on the leaves above! Hope you enjoy a glimpse into my garden. The grapes are starting to ripen and smell so sweet, the bees are swarming and my tomatoes are overflowing! It’s going to be a great harvest.

What things in nature have you enjoyed this summer?


Memories of Choosing my Major


Painting in the Studio