Memories of Aunt Mimi’s Encouragement

My Aunt Mimi is always cheering on others around her. I remember many years ago when I was in college, we were all together at my Granny & Papa’s house for Thanksgiving. I was showing her some of my books that I had made in my bookbinding class. When I showed her my beautiful books, she was so kind and encouraging. I remember her saying, “Someday everyone will be wanting an original Kathleen.” Though, I am not making and selling handbound books, I am creating original art from my soul to share with the world. I am so grateful for her belief and confidence in me to accomplish great things even before I believed in myself. We all need cheerleaders in our circle, and I am beyond grateful that I have so many surrounding me. If you are reading this, then you are definitely one of them. I am so grateful you are here following along this journey of mine as I chase my dreams. Who is someone in your life that has encouraged you when you needed it most?

Three books I made in my college bookbinding class


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Spring Studio Update